Donna Bogosto Kearns

May 29, 2017
by dbkstudio

Time to begin….again

I wonder if I’ll have enough seeds. 🙂
This is the twelfth year of planting these zinnia seeds and I’ve deadheaded and saved seeds from each year. I can probably plant from here to the moon.

February 9, 2016
by dbkstudio



Anyone who knows me well will tell you I am NOT a winter person, but I can’t keep my eyes off of today’s beautiful view from my desk. The snowflakes keep falling making this scene more and more beautiful by the hour and whispering “come on out”. Trying to work, but we’ll see.

November 9, 2015
by dbkstudio

Now you see it, then you don’t

DSC_0005  This was last week in the garden. Times have changed dramatically in one short week.

DSC_0001  This was the morning fog a few days ago begging you to peek and see what’s under that heavy mist.

20151109_092656  This was this morning’s frost.

The characteristics of fall are encompassing, softly bringing introspection, showing off its in your face color while quickly becoming sparse signaling that the end is near. The garden is like an old friend saying goodbye but that you’ll see again someday. It shows the beauty of time gone by while making us think about the winter that’s coming.

DSC_0045  20151109_092550  Faces that were hidden all summer peeking out now from behind the branches.

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Have a good week!